The monitoring and evaluation of the Lake Roosevelt fishery is accomplished through the Lake Roosevelt Fisheries Evaluation Program funded by the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA). The Spokane Tribe, the Colville Confederated Tribes and the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife are the co-managers of the Lake Roosevelt fishery. Eastern Washington University provides scientific advice and completes various research tasks as a subcontractor. Each agency focuses on specific questions to answer regarding the fishery. Current (2008-09) major projects on the reservoir include:

Spokane Tribe of Indians

  1. Long-term monitoring and analysis of fisheries data including growth, diets and densities of specified fish.
  2. Floy tag net pen rainbow trout to determine stock performance, movements throughout the reservoir, and the most appropriate release time and location to maximize harvest.
  3. Collection of data on rainbow trout and kokanee harvested during the Two Rivers Trout Derby.
  4. Completion of a creel survey on the reservoir to determine annual harvest estimates, angler pressure, and economic value of the fishery. The co-managers work cooperatively to collect data simultaneously throughout the reservoir. The Spokane Tribe facilitates the studies and collects data at the boat launches located in the middle of the reservoir, the Colville Confederated Tribes collects data at lower reservoir boat launches and the WDFW collects data at the upper reservoir boat launches.
  5. Long-term monitoring of the Lake Roosevelt limnology, including water quality and primary (algae) and secondary (zooplankton) production.
  6. Collection of water quality and flow data at adult kokanee collection sites (varies, but includes Onion, Big Sheep, and Hawk creeks).
  7. Development of a reservoir ecology model for Lake Roosevelt based on the CE-QUAL-2 model. This highly advanced model was developed by Dr. Scott Wells of Portland State University and Dr. David Beauchamp of the University of Washington. The model will be used by fisheries managers to assess reservoir operation effects on water quality, primary and secondary food production, and potentially fish production within the reservoir.
  8. Assist with and facilitate the reservoir wide Fall Walleye Index Netting (FWIN). WDFW currently completes this study on waters where walleye are found throughout Washington. This valuable tool that enables managers to compare the health of the walleye population to others in the state, as well as, determine year class strength. Year class strength can be used by managers to help predict potential fluctuations in annual harvest rates.
  9. Assist EWU with wild kokanee collections for an acoustic tracking study (see below for details).
  10. Participate in public outreach programs to inform the public about activities and research on Lake Roosevelt. In the fall, biologists work with BPA and tribal hatchery biologists and staff to educate kids about insects and fish in the rivers and streams in the Pacific Northwest through the Kids in the Creek Program. In the spring, tribal fisheries staff work with WDFW staff to educate kids about sturgeon in Lake Roosevelt during the Student Discovery Week sturgeon release event.
  11. Other related projects on Lake Roosevelt include:
    1. White Sturgeon Recovery Project: additional information at;
    2. Spokane Tribe Water and Fish Program: additional information at
    3. Operation of the Spokane Tribal Hatchery.

Resources: All annual reports submitted to Bonneville Power Administration can be found on the BPA website under Environment, Fish and Wildlife or see resources on our Links page.

Colville Confederated Tribes

  1. Complete angler creel surveys at the lower reservoir boat launches.
  2. Trap and collect returning adult kokanee at Big Sheep Creek, Barnaby Creek and the SanPoil River.
  3. Assist with Fall Walleye Index Netting (FWIN).
  4. Other BPA related projects on Lake Roosevelt include:
    1. Chief Joseph Kokanee Enhancement Project: additional information at:
      1. Complete DNA genetics inventory and analysis of all kokanee stocks that potentially influence Lake Roosevelt.
      2. Develop a conceptual plan for artificial production of kokanee in the SanPoil River.
    2. Lake Roosevelt rainbow trout habitat/passage improvement project: additional information at:
    3. White Sturgeon Recovery Project: additional information at
    4. Lake Roosevelt Habitat Structures, new project as of 2009.

Resources: All annual reports submitted to Bonneville Power Administration can be found on the BPA website under Environment, Fish and Wildlife or see resources on our Links page.

Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife

  1. Determine limiting factors for kokanee and rainbow trout using hydro-acoustics and bioenergetics modeling. WDFW collects the fisheries data that is used in the CE-QUAL 2 model noted above.
  2. Determine winter diets composition for wild kokanee.
  3. Participate in the Fall Walleye Index Netting (FWIN) design and sampling.
  4. Assist with wild kokanee collections for acoustic tracking study (see EWU below).
  5. Run two large screw traps in the northern end of the reservoir to capture young downstream migrating kokanee.
  6. Conduct northern reservoir angler creel surveys.
  7. Other related projects on Lake Roosevelt include:
    1. White Sturgeon Recovery Project: additional information at All annual reports can be found on the BPA website.
    2. Operations of Sherman Creek, Colville and Ford hatcheries (see comments above).

Resources: All annual reports submitted to Bonneville Power Administration can be found on the BPA website under Environment, Fish and Wildlife or see resources on our Links page.

Eastern Washington University

  1. Evaluate release strategies for hatchery kokanee salmon to maximize angler harvest and adult returns for egg collection. Including evaluation of Meadow Creek (British Columbia) stock and Lake Whatcom (Washington) stock performance in the reservoir.
  2. Conduct acoustic tracking study of wild kokanee using depth and temperature sensitive tags.
  3. Capture adult kokanee at key locations during the spawning run primarily in the Spokane River and Hawk Creek.
  4. Compile and maintain rainbow trout tagging database and complete fish tag drawings bi-annually.
  5. Evaluate hatchery redband trout performance in the reservoir through tagging studies.
  6. Assist Sherman Creek Hatchery with redband trout run establishment.

Resources: All annual reports submitted to Bonneville Power Administration can be found on the BPA website under Environment, Fish and Wildlife or see resources on our Links page.