The Federal Register published a notice on December 13th adding EPA’s Upper Columbia River site to the Superfund National Priorities List (NPL).
Although site boundaries are not determined as part of the listing, related investigations have stretched from the U.S. – Canada border to Grand Coulee Dam, which includes Lake Roosevelt and the Upper Columbia Valley.
Said EPA, “Listing the site on the NPL will help EPA secure comprehensive and timely cleanup of the river and adjoining uplands and provide access to critical federal funding.”
February 2024 and October 2023 Forum articles provide EPA’s rationale for proposing the listing, Washington State and tribal support, and counties opposed. The Forum’s 2020 Public Guide summarizes EPA’s Human Health Risk Assessment, including the public being able to safely recreate on Lake Roosevelt and the Upper Columbia River.
For additional federal information explaining the basis for EPA’s decision and public comments received during the proposed listing process, click here.
Click here for additional information about the NPL listing on EPA’s website.