Thank you to the 56 community members, elected officials, natural resource managers and others who joined us for a bus tour of the Upper Columbia River on Wednesday, June 19th.
From updates on the Upper Columbia River Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study to wolf management, click here to see the wide range of topics covered during the tour. The Forum is very thankful to the presenters who joined the tour or met the bus at various stops to share their knowledge.
“What you learn over the years,” said Forum Executive Director “is how interrelated all these topics are, and the tremendous effort being put forth to protect and manage our natural resources. There’s no better way to experience the totality of these efforts than being in the field dialoging with experts.”
Said one community participant when asked what struck her the most, “The wonderful partnerships that have formed to manage fish, wildlife and our forest should be mimicked throughout all government.”
Another community participant remarked, “We never realized the extent of research being done in all these fields. The professionals who presented were very well informed and excellent speakers.”
With excellent presentations, networking and camaraderie throughout the day, it’s no surprise that participants rated the overall quality of the tour a 4.86 rating out of 5.