Northern Pike (Esox lucius) are a Prohibited Species in Washington State. Anglers are encouraged to kill ALL Northern Pike caught. Harvested Northern Pike must be dead before anglers leave the water where they are caught.
No minimum size or possession limit.
Northern Pike are now present in Lake Roosevelt. This fish species is known to have negative impacts on native fish populations and popular sport fisheries. In addition, further spread of Northern Pike into downstream portions of the Columbia River poses a severe threat to Salmon and Steelhead recovery efforts.
It is illegal to transport or release live fish without a WDFW permit.
Penalty includes up to $5,000 in Fines and A Year in Prison (RCW 77.15.250) and a person found guilty can also be ordered to pay all costs of capturing, controlling or killing those fish or their progeny (in excess of $100,000).
If you see someone transporting or releasing live fish, please call the Washington State Patrol. They will contact the nearest WDFW officer.
- Spokane County WSP Dispatch: 509-456-4101
- Stevens County WSP Dispatch: 509-684-7431