The Columbia River Basin 2014 Conference, Learning From Our Past to Shape Our Future, took place in Spokane, Washington on October 21—23. Hosted by the Columbia Basin Trust and the Northwest Power and Conservation Council, over 300 people representing diverse Canadian, American and tribal interests participated.
Conference organizers used a non-traditional format that featured quick presentations on core issues, followed by questions and dialog. Said a participant to the Forum’s Executive Director, “At times the engagement feels more like being in the English parliament. Most of these presenters are wonderfully quick on their feet.”
Using this approach, topics like ecosystem based management, reintroduction of salmon, the Columbia River Treaty, energy, water flows and governance were addressed. As the days unfolded, a transboundary tapestry featuring threads of hope, frustration and dogged determination to make progress were woven together. Equally strong commitments to assuring college and young professional participation, cultural and artistic perspectives, and a “think wall” to capture participant thoughts made for quite a mix of activity.
If you go to the conference web site, www.columbiabasin-2014conference.org, there’s an excellent and extensive reading list associated with topics covered. In coming weeks, conference organizers will be sharing a conference report and participant commentary. These materials will be “must read” items for those interested in taking the pulse of transboundary Columbia River Basin thinking and advocacy.
The Forum has committed to working with conference organizers to follow-up on key conference outcomes and interest areas at our April, 2015 conference.