Click here to view the web version of the 2015 Lake Roosevelt Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study Public Guide. The online address is The print version of the guide was distributed in late June. Contact us for additional copies.

“The guide,” said the Forum’s Executive Director Andy Dunau, “shares with you what is currently known and progress being made on the Upper Columbia River Site RI/FS investigation.” The investigation follows U.S. Superfund law and has been on-going for a number of years. Noted Dunau, “One of the big benefits of the on-line version is web links to a number of primary and secondary resources. For interested citizens, managers and researchers, it makes getting up to speed on the history of this complex and lengthy investigation much easier.”

The web version also marks the Forum introducing a new web tool that allows the guide to be displayed in an easy to read magazine format with user friendly navigation and other tools. In addition, the 2011 public guide remains available online as it provides additional background information that people may find useful.

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