Following a public comment period, the WA Department of Ecology (Ecology) completed the Engineering Design Report for cleanup of smelter-related metals contamination on Northport’s waterfront area next to the Town Park. The report provides details about the excavation of contaminated materials in the waterfront, bay, and hillside areas, site staging and hauling, stormwater management, and public access improvements.
The engineering design meets Ecology goals to protect people and restore the shoreline environment next to the park. State funding of this effort comes from the Eastern Washington Clean Sites Initiative.
Six companies submitted bids for the cleanup. The winning bidder is Versatile Industries, Inc. of Ione. Construction is scheduled to begin Tuesday, February 20, 2024. Temporary closure of Park Road, the Town Park, and the boat ramp and waterfront will begin on that date.
Ecology is coordinating with the Northport Mayor on the temporary closure and working to accommodate the community’s plans to use the park and waterfront.