Walking into the role of executive director last summer, I knew I had enormous shoes to fill. Former Executive Director Andy Dunau’s leadership of the Forum and commitment to its mission for the past 25 years is inspiring. Dunau has tirelessly dedicated himself to developing timely innovative programming that is responsive and relevant to diverse issues of concern throughout the Lake Roosevelt basin. With his guidance and encouragement, I have spent the first few months on the job listening and learning, and am excited for what’s to come in 2025.
When I came on board the Forum was preparing for the Water Festival in September (see article on page 3), a wildly successful annual event that blends longstanding tradition with evolving knowledge and technology. As a former teacher, I could not have been more thrilled to see so much energy and excitement around this fun-filled, hands-on learning experience where students and their teachers rotate through stations engaging with tribal and agency experts on a variety of topics related to water quality, resources, habitat, and safety.
Another highlight from early on the job was having the opportunity to tour Grand Coulee Dam with about 30 representatives from NPS and other organizations in October. What a treat it was to explore the depths of this remarkable historical landmark while learning more about how it functions today as a leading provider of irrigation in the region and the largest producer of hydroelectric power in the United States. Equally gratifying was having the opportunity to spend time connecting with so many of the Forum’s partners while taking it all in.

Touring Grand Coulee Dam
In addition to relationship building with the Forum’s tribal and agency partners, a fortunate meeting this fall with Keith Green of the Lake Roosevelt Property Owner Association presented us with an exciting new opportunity for partnership in public outreach initiatives focused on recreational access, safety, aquatic health, and other concerns (see article on page 8). The Forum will host a community meeting later this winter to introduce ourselves and provide an opportunity for residents to meet tribal and agency leaders. Please reach out to info@lrf.org if you would like to be added to our contact list for this event and other Forum news.
I have heard loudly and clearly over these last few months that it is high time for the return of the Lake Roosevelt Conference. After a five-year hiatus touched off by COVID, I am excited to announce the Forum is planning a two-day event in downtown Spokane for mid-October 2025. Keep an eye out for more details.
I am grateful for the Lake Roosevelt community’s warm welcome over these past few months, a testament to my predecessor’s success in building meaningful relationships to execute a vast array of impactful education and outreach initiatives over the years. Dunau has left the Forum’s programs and services in outstanding shape, and I am committed to keep them moving forward while I continue to explore what’s next.