The Upper Columbia Valley covers about 100 square miles east and west of the Columbia River and extends from the U.S.-Canada border to China Bend (about 20 river miles). From the sounds of the Columbia to the stillness of forested areas and pasture lands, a rich array of plants and wildlife abound. Nature calls to visitors and residents alike.
The area also has a history of mining and processing metals. EPA’s Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study (RI/FS) has been addressing contaminants in the Columbia River and Valley uplands for almost two decades. EPA has identified the Trail Smelter as the primary source of legacy contaminants.
A Washington Department of Ecology grant to the Forum was used to help educate children to play it safe around legacy contaminants, particularly lead in soil. The resulting read-along coloring book and activity book are now available to teachers, agencies and community events.
“This is an amazing place to live and recreate,” said Forum Executive Director Andy Dunau. “Our outreach is a way to help kids and families increase awareness and stay healthy.”