Join us in keeping up to date on key issues. For opinion leaders, elected officials, natural resource managers, policy makers, environmentalists, tribal members and concerned citizens from both sides of the border. The first two webinars will feature Recreational Opportunities and Upper Columbia Salmon Reintroduction.

Recreational Opportunities
May 13th, 10:00 a.m. – Noon

Dan Foster, National Park Service Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area Superintendent, will be the keynote providing the latest information on 2021 Operations and Programs, e.g.— availability of campgrounds, COVID-19 guidelines, fees and visitor opportunities. WDFW will focus on recreational angling opportunities, current regulations, and management priorities.

Upper Columbia Salmon Reintroduction
May 20th, 8:30 a.m. – Noon

Join tribal fishery managers and others for an exclusive review of salmon release efforts, next steps and related actions. This one stop webinar will share the exciting progress being made and how various efforts are being knit together.

Click here to see agendas and register for one or both webinars. While there is no cost to participate, registration is required to receive a zoom webinar link.