The Lake Roosevelt Forum is delighted to announce Happy Avery as its new Executive Director!
Andy Dunau, who served as Executive Director of the Forum since 1999, let the board and others know in 2023 he would be retiring. He will be helping for the remainder of the year with program planning and other transition needs.
Lincoln County Commissioner and Forum Board President Scott Hutsell remarked “Andy’s been with us so long, it was hard to imagine finding his replacement. When Happy met with us, we all agreed we found the needle in the haystack we were looking for. She’s got the people skills, smarts and background to do the job.”
Since 2017 Happy has been at Saint George’s School. Most recently she served as their Director of College Counseling and teacher of humanities. Her rich background includes teaching Environmental Studies as an adjunct professor at Gonzaga University, conducting historical research at the University of Montana, being a graduate student fellow focusing on US Environmental History and American Indigenous studies, and editing an array of publications.
“I couldn’t be more thrilled to take on this new role” said Happy. “Andy Dunau leaves enormous shoes to fill but I am excited for the challenge and look forward to working hard to carry the Forum’s mission forward.”
Said Andy, “It was fun to introduce her to people at the well-attended meeting EPA held in Northport a couple of weeks ago. Happy fit right-in and peppered me with all the right questions on the way home. She’s gonna be great.”
“Priority one,” said Happy, “is quickly meeting and learning from as many people as I can. So I hope people aren’t shy about finding me if I haven’t found them yet.”
Happy can be contacted at happy.avery@lrf.org.