Jon Waterhouse directs the Indigenous Peoples Program at the Oregon Health & Science University and Portland State University School of Public Health. Jon is a past member of the National Science Foundation funded Science and Technology Center for Coastal Margin Observation & Prediction.

He will be the opening keynote for Salmon Reintroduction Day on April 25th.

A Native American of S’Klallam, Chippewa-Cree descent, Waterhouse is an internationally known scholar and lecturer providing a view into indigenous thinking in a rapidly changing world. From the Yukon Watershed in Alaska and Canada, the Lena River in Siberia to the Amazonian Basin and Africa, Jon explores the shifting tides and interactions among the natural environment, people, culture and climate challenges.

Said Waterhouse, “Place is vital to human growth and development on this planet. Understanding geography helps us understand other people and cultures, and how their views of the world around them may differ from our own. We can learn so much about historical environmental changes from place-based people.”

Said Forum Executive Director Andy Dunau, “Navigating the environmental, cultural, economic, and policy currents and cross currents of salmon reintroduction is no easy task. What better way to start the day then Jon giving us a glimpse into currents playing out across the globe.”