Lake Roosevelt Water Festival
Held September 19th and 20th, over 440 3rd – 5th grade students from 11 schools gathered at the Kettle Falls Swim Beach area and Sherman Creek Hatchery to participate in this fall’s Festival. View pictures
Students and teachers were greeted by area agencies, tribes and other natural resource managers manning 15 interactive learning stations. As students rotated through, their knowledge of Lake Roosevelt and the watershed grew.
Said one teacher, “Thank you for another wonderful Lake Roosevelt Water Festival! The students really enjoyed their experience, and I overheard a few students say, ‘This is the best field trip I’ve ever been on!’”
A big thank you to Forum partners and volunteers for making this happen: Avista, Colville Confederated Tribes, Colville High School, Ferry Conservation District, National Park Service, National Weather Service Spokane, Spokane Tribe of Indians, Stevens Conservation District, U.S. Forest Service, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife.
Fish Fest
Saturday, September 9th brought out over 500 adults and kids to participate in the Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area’s (LRNRA) first Fish Fest at Spring Canyon. View pictures
175 free fishing poles were passed out for people to try angling. In addition, 11 agencies and non-profits hosted information tables to help people learn more about how to catch fish and what it takes to safely play on the lake and protect its resources. And no one left hungry, with the Lions Club stepping in to cook and provide hot dogs at no charge.
While fishing in shallow water on a hot day resulted in only a lucky few catching fish, it didn’t deter enthusiasm and fun.
Emilee Franklin, a LRNRA education specialist that organized the event, was thrilled with the turnout, commenting she hopes this will become an annual event.