During summer 2022, EPA released an updated, enforceable schedule and process for implementing the Upper Columbia River Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study (RI/FS). This schedule was developed in association with Teck American Incorporated.
The RI/FS was initiated in 2006 as part of a Settlement Agreement between Teck American Incorporated (TAI) and EPA. The remedial investigation will establish the nature, extent, and possible human health and ecological risks associated with contaminants in the Columbia River and Lake Roosevelt between Grand Coulee Dam and the U.S. – Canada Border, as well as contaminants in the uplands along the Columbia River valley. The feasibility study will develop, screen, and evaluate remedial actions to address the risks.
EPA divides the site into three “operable units” for RI/FS purposes. As shown on the map, Operable Unit (OU) 1 consists of the Columbia River from the Canadian Border to approximately Marcus (River Mile 708); OU 2 extends from River Mile 708 to Grand Coulee Dam. It consists of potentially contaminated uplands along the river valley. A map delineating OU 3 is not currently available.
The human health and ecological risk assessments are essential components of the RI. EPA completed the Human Health Risk Assessment (HHRA) for the overall UCR site in 2021. Potential exposures in each operable unit were considered, and risks to some residents, workers and visitors were identified. TAI submitted draft versions of the OU 3 (upland) baseline ecological risk assessment (BERA) and OU 3 RI Report in 2021. The draft final version of the OU 3 BERA is due in February 2023 and the draft final version of the OU 3 RI Report is expected in June 2023. The draft aquatic BERA for the river (OUs 1 and 2) is expected in September 2023. The draft aquatic RI Report for OUs 1 and 2 will follow completion of the aquatic BERA.
EPA’s schedule also establishes dates for the development of the FS for each OU after the RI Reports are complete. The Forum will continue to work with partners to provide outreach as RI/FS milestones are complete and information made available to the public. To learn more about the Human Health Risk Assessment and studies supporting the RI/FS, visit www.lrf.org/publicguides.