The Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) continues to make progress on plans for cleaning up smelter-related metals contamination in Northport’s Town Park and boat launch waterfront area.
Visit the Forum’s summer 2021 newsletter for a summary of cleanup options.
During May 2021, the public had an opportunity to review and comment on the draft Northport Waterfront Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study (RI/FS). The RI explains the extent and locations of contaminants, and the FS evaluates cleanup options. Since then, Ecology responded to comments and finalized the RI/FS.
The next step is completing a draft Cleanup Action Plan that compares the cleanup options and identifies a final, preferred cleanup remedy. Ecology anticipates this plan will be available for public review and comment in early 2022. The Forum will publicize the comment period via at least or at the minimum our electronic newsletter and social media. After Ecology considers public comments and potentially revises the plan in response, they will publish a final Cleanup Action Plan. If the plan changes significantly due to public input, then another draft will be available for review and comment.
Ecology posts project updates and documents on their website at