Last spring, the Washington Department of Ecology completed soil sampling and other testing to investigate and evaluate cleanup of smelter-related metals contamination along about 800 feet of waterfront in Northport Park. This area was principally polluted by smelter wastes deposited and dispersed along the shore from the adjacent Le Roi Smelter.
Ecology completed a draft Remedial Investigation (RI) report last October that describes the metals contamination. A focused feasibility study (FFS) to evaluate cleanup options is now underway. Later this year, once the feasibility study is further
along, Ecology’s project team intends to arrange a public meeting in Northport to discuss findings and seek input on cleanup opportunities, including removing or capping the smelter-related wastes. When the FFS
is complete Ecology would like to provide another opportunity for the public to comment on both the RI and FFS reports, in light of the possible cleanup options.
Like EPA’s announcement that it will be returning to cleanup lead contaminated soil at 16 additional sites within the town of Northport, Ecology’s waterfront work to further cleanup the LeRoi smelter legacy is distinct and separate from the on-going EPA RI/FS.