The Lake Roosevelt Forum has published the 2020 Draft Human Health Risk Assessment Public Guide for the Lake Roosevelt and Upper Columbia River Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study (UCR RI/FS). Click here to view on-line version. Email the Forum at for a print copy.
The 2020 Public Guide focuses on EPA’s draft Human Health Risk Assessment (HHRA). The HHRA estimates the nature and probability of adverse human health effects of concern now or in the future from being exposed to chemical contaminants (primarily metals) at the Upper Columbia River Site. This information will be integrated into the Site’s Remedial Investigation (RI) study of contamination to inform next steps to protect human health and the environment.
This Public Guide also focuses on precautionary measures to protect visitor and resident health where exposure to contaminants may be of concern, and cleanup and other actions that are completed, in process or may be considered.