The Upper Columbia Valley is approximately 100 square miles (64,000 acres) east and west of the Columbia River, extending from the U.S.-Canada border to China Bend (about 40 miles). Lead in these soils is a concern because of legacy smelter air emissions contaminating surface soil. These materials educate children about lead in the soil and how to play safe.

For ages 5-8 (grades K-3)

This read along coloring book introduces children to the history of mining, milling, and smelting in the Upper Columbia Valley; health concerns related to exposure to lead in soil; and how to stay healthy by keeping clean both indoors and outdoors.

Click here to view & download.

For ages 9-14 (grades 4-8)

Educates youth about mining, milling, and smelting of heavy metals in the Upper Columbia Valley and into Canada. Introduces science concepts about both fate and transport of heavy metals; lead exposure human health risks; and ways to reduce health risks from lead exposure.

Click here to view & download.

Produced by Teck American Incorporated