The Forum collaborates with agencies, tribes, schools and others hosting K-12 student activities.
There is no cost to participate.
Together, we are engaging teachers and students in outdoor science education that is grounded in the rich and diverse natural and cultural resources found throughout the Lake Roosevelt area. Our community is very fortunate that natural resource managers are able and excited to bring their knowledge and experience to students and teachers.
For over 20 years, the Lake Roosevelt Water Festival has been held at NPS’s Kettle Falls Day Use Area and WDFW’s Sherman Creek Hatchery in late September. Over 400 3rd-5th grade elementary students rotate through up to 15 stations hosted by natural resource managers. From fisheries to water quality, they learn about Lake Roosevelt’s environment and actions being taken to protect and enhance it. Learn more and how to sign up.
Student Discovery Days takes students and teachers on field trips during the school year to locations natural resource managers are actively working, e.g.—a fish release, tours of Grand Coulee Dam, and investigating flood plains. Learn more and how to sign up.
Each May, The Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area, Friends of Spokane House, Kettle Falls Historical Center, and the Forum host the Fur Trade Festival. 3rd-8th grade students and teachers take a step back in time to learn about the Fur Trade and what life looked like in this area more than 150 years ago! Call NPS for registration information at 509-754-7800, or signup for the Forum’s eNews to find out when registration opens.