Zebra and quagga mussels are of great concern in the Northwest. Once present, they can damage dams, irrigation pumps, boats, other infrastructure, and the general environment. In addition to being unsightly, the costs of mitigation and lost economic development can run into the millions of dollars annually.
Fortunately, zebra and quagga mussels are not currently present in Lake Roosevelt. This is largely due to an intergovernmental network that inspects boats coming into the Northwest and provides public education.
Specific to Lake Roosevelt, the National Park Service (NPS) conducts boat inspections. Further, NPS:
- requires Lake Roosevelt boaters to complete and post a self-certification form that their watercraft is free of aquatic invasive species, and
- maintains with partners a CD3 (clean, drain, dry) unit at the Kettle Falls Marina.
Northern Pike is a non-native fish species that is a voracious predator of other fish. Not only are they a threat to Roosevelt fisheries, but downstream salmon and other fisheries if their spread is not checked. In 2016, fishery managers began an extensive program to rid or mitigate the presence of northern pike in Lake Roosevelt. Anglers are encouraged to participate in the Northern Pike Reward Program to help reduce the spread of this non-native species.
See the Forum’s fisheries and aquatic invasive species news for updates.