2019 Phase 3 Sediment Sampling
More in-river sampling is being scheduled for 2019 between the Marcus area and the Canadian Border as a continuation of preliminary work started in 2018 for the third phase of the Sediment Study (Phase 3)….
More in-river sampling is being scheduled for 2019 between the Marcus area and the Canadian Border as a continuation of preliminary work started in 2018 for the third phase of the Sediment Study (Phase 3)….
Over a decade has passed since EPA reached agreement with Teck in 2006 to conduct an Upper Columbia Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study (RI/FS). Thus far, the efforts remain in the investigative phase to identify the nature…
A three judge panel from the Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals ruled that aerial deposition from the Teck smelter in Trail, Canada does not constitute “disposal.” As such, Teck cannot be held liable for…
Click here to view the web version of the 2015 Lake Roosevelt Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study Public Guide. The online address is www.lrf.org/publicguide2015. The print version of the guide was distributed in late June. Contact us for additional…
This publication updates the public on EPA’s Upper Columbia River Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study, which extends from the U.S./Canadian border to Grand Coulee Dam.
Residents, property owners and land managers in areas around the Northport community and up to the Canadian border have been getting a lot of attention in 2014 because of two soil sampling studies being conducted as part of the Upper Columbia River (UCR) remedial investigation and feasibility study (RI/FS).
Surface Water: After three rounds of sampling (completed in 2009 and 2010) the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) show Lake Roosevelt and the Upper Columbia general water quality safe for swimming. Further, surface water concentrations…
The backdrop for Forum activities is the unique and distinct needs of Lake Roosevelt, which resulted from creating a reservoir to support operational capacity at Grand Coulee Dam. Two Indian tribes, federal agencies, state agencies and four counties have specific interests in the management of the lake. Individually and collectively, they seek to meet a diverse set of environmental, economic and cultural needs.
Lake Roosevelt Forum continues to successfully engage in a set of public outreach activities intended to further strengthen collaboration and cooperation among the many stakeholders with interests in and around Lake Roosevelt.
Lake Roosevelt Forum
1201 N. Ash Street #201
Spokane, WA 98201