working with shovel

Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area seeks high school age students for paid summer jobs

From Lake Roosevelt National Area Recreation News Release Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area is now accepting high school student applications for the 2023 summer Youth Conservation Corps (YCC) program. Participants will get paid to work,…

Winterat Lake
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Selling or Buying Land or a Home in the Upper Columbia River Valley?

Soil in the upper Columbia River valley of Stevens County, Washington, may contain unnaturally high levels of metals, including lead and arsenic. Concentrations depend on many factors, including land-use history and soil disturbances such as…

Salmon traveling up river
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Mediation Process Attempts to Resolve Legal Challenge to the Columbia River System Operations 2020 Environmental Impact Statement and Biological Opinion

An August 2022 order extended a litigation stay through August 31, 2023, to resolve challenges to the Columbia River System Operations 2020 Environmental Impact Statement and Biological Opinions for salmon and steelhead. The Spokane Tribe…

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Area Tribes Selected by EPA to Receive Columbia River Basin Restoration Funding

EPA’s Columbia River Basin Restoration Funding Assistance Program announced awards totaling approximately $6.9 million across 25 projects to reduce toxics in fish and water throughout the Basin. Awards were based on a competitive, grant selection…

RIFS Update Map
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EPA Remedial Investigation Feasibility Study Update

During summer 2022, EPA released an updated, enforceable schedule and process for implementing the Upper Columbia River Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study (RI/FS). This schedule was developed in association with Teck American Incorporated. The RI/FS…