Midnite Mine Superfund Cleanup Progress
The Midnite Mine Superfund site is a 350-acre, inactive uranium mine located on the Spokane Indian Reservation. A legacy of the Cold War, uranium mining from 1954 to 1981 left more than 33 million tons…
The Midnite Mine Superfund site is a 350-acre, inactive uranium mine located on the Spokane Indian Reservation. A legacy of the Cold War, uranium mining from 1954 to 1981 left more than 33 million tons…
Click here to visit Ecology’s picture album of waterfront cleanup activities. The graphic shows the five areas designated for cleanup to relieve elevated levels of arsenic, copper, lead, and zinc in soil and sediment considered…
Spring is a busy time for area students to go outside to learn about nature, fish and wildlife, history and culture that makes our area unique. Some highlights: Fur Trade Festival The National Park Service…
2 distinct and beautiful journey opportunities. North from Revelstoke BC and south from Spokane Reservation done in collective spirit of following in the water ways of our ancestors before us.
Public comment to determine if an EA should be required extends to June 14th. Click here to comment or learn more about the project. The proposed mine would produce no greater than 220,000 tons per year of…
The Washington Department of Ecology’s (Ecology) Northport Waterfront cleanup project began construction on March 4th. Click here for pictures. Located on the Columbia River next to the Northport Town Park and boat launch, the cleanup will relieve…
Via a Federal Register Notice being released March 7th, EPA will propose listing the Upper Columbia River (UCR) as a Superfund site on the National Priorities List. The notice will start a 60-day public comment…
Held September 19th and 20th, over 440 3rd – 5th grade students from 11 schools gathered at the Kettle Falls Swim Beach area and Sherman Creek Hatchery to participate in this fall’s Festival. Students and…
Following a public comment period, the WA Department of Ecology (Ecology) completed the Engineering Design Report for cleanup of smelter-related metals contamination on Northport’s waterfront area next to the Town Park. The report provides details…
In 2005, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) initiated the Upper Columbia River Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study (RI/FS). Funded under a settlement agreement with Teck, its purpose is to establish the nature, extent and possible…
The backdrop for Forum activities is the unique and distinct needs of Lake Roosevelt, which resulted from creating a reservoir to support operational capacity at Grand Coulee Dam. Two Indian tribes, federal agencies, state agencies and four counties have specific interests in the management of the lake. Individually and collectively, they seek to meet a diverse set of environmental, economic and cultural needs.
Lake Roosevelt Forum continues to successfully engage in a set of public outreach activities intended to further strengthen collaboration and cooperation among the many stakeholders with interests in and around Lake Roosevelt.
Lake Roosevelt Forum
1201 N. Ash Street #201
Spokane, WA 98201