Getting to Know Coleman Smith
Now that Coleman Smith has been Power Manager at Grand Coulee Dam for a year, the Forum decided to stop by and see how things are going. “Just great,” said Coleman. “The area fits with…
Now that Coleman Smith has been Power Manager at Grand Coulee Dam for a year, the Forum decided to stop by and see how things are going. “Just great,” said Coleman. “The area fits with…
On October 1st, EPA is hosting a meeting in Northport to discuss residential soil clean up that began in late August, results of residential and upland soil sampling to date, and opportunities for residents in…
Since 1999, the Lake Roosevelt Water Festival has rung in the school year for upper elementary students in the Upper Columbia. Taking place at Kettle Falls swim beach and Sherman Creek fish hatchery, this was…
This picture taken by Forum member Foster Fanning, who is also Fire Chief at Ferry / Okanogan Fire Protection District #14 and Washington State Department of Natural Resources at WA DNR. Visit his facebook page for a…
The Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation and the Bureau of Reclamation are teaming up to enforce federal laws on Reclamation lands within the exterior boundary of the Colville Reservation to certified Tribal police officers….
The Tri-County Economic Development Board (Tri-County) voted to support Upper Columbia United Tribe (UCUT) efforts to conduct a feasibility study to reintroduce salmon above Grand Coulee Dam. Tri-County is a federally-recognized Economic Development District representing…
Click here to view the Summer 2015 LRF Newsletter. Stories feature community perspectives on residential soil sampling and proposed contaminated yard removal actions in an area along the Columbia River Valley upstream of Northport extending…
Click here to view the web version of the 2015 Lake Roosevelt Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study Public Guide. The online address is The print version of the guide was distributed in late June. Contact us for additional…
Rich Landers with the Spokesman Review reports on efforts to suppress the spike in northern pike being found in Lake Roosevelt this year. Says Landers, “Northern pike have bared their teeth in Lake Roosevelt this…
The National Park Service (NPS) is joining the fight against aquatic invasive species (AIS) in a big way. As reported at the conference by managers throughout the region, invasive zebra and quagga mussels pose the…
The backdrop for Forum activities is the unique and distinct needs of Lake Roosevelt, which resulted from creating a reservoir to support operational capacity at Grand Coulee Dam. Two Indian tribes, federal agencies, state agencies and four counties have specific interests in the management of the lake. Individually and collectively, they seek to meet a diverse set of environmental, economic and cultural needs.
Lake Roosevelt Forum continues to successfully engage in a set of public outreach activities intended to further strengthen collaboration and cooperation among the many stakeholders with interests in and around Lake Roosevelt.
Lake Roosevelt Forum
1201 N. Ash Street #201
Spokane, WA 98201