Deral Boleneus

Rest in Peace Deral Boleneus

Deral Boleneus, former long-time chair of the Lake Roosevelt Forum board and Lincoln County Commissioner, passed away at the age of 90 on December 6, 2024. Said current Lincoln County Commissioner and Forum chair Scott Hutsell, “Deral had a great impact on the Forum. His love of the lake and what he meant to so many people, starting with me, is beyond words.”

LRU Updates River Photo
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Upper Columbia River Added to Superfund List

The Federal Register published a notice on December 13th adding EPA’s Upper Columbia River site to the Superfund National Priorities List (NPL).

Although site boundaries are not determined as part of the listing, related investigations have stretched from the U.S. – Canada border

Columbia River Treaty Handshake

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Bureau of Reclamation Holding Columbia River Treaty Virtual Meetings December 4 and 5

In July 2024, a non-binding Agreement in Principle was reached to modernize the Columbia River Treaty. Click here for U.S. State Department summary. The U.S. Army Corps and Bureau of Reclamation will host virtual meetings in December…

Landslide on Lake Roosevelt

Landslide on Lake Roosevelt

A stunning landslide occurred on the west side of Lake Roosevelt across from Colville Flats and downstream of Sherman Creek Hatchery over the weekend.

The slide cascaded several tons of sediment into the lake, dislodging trees and causing shoreline damage up and downstream. Its sheer force caused waves to cross the river, including one washing over Highway 25.