New Forum Executive Director Settles In
Walking into the role of executive director last summer, I knew I had enormous shoes to fill. Former Executive Director Andy Dunau’s leadership of the Forum and commitment to its mission for the past 25…
Walking into the role of executive director last summer, I knew I had enormous shoes to fill. Former Executive Director Andy Dunau’s leadership of the Forum and commitment to its mission for the past 25…
In the fall of 2024, Teck American Incorporated (TAI) announced the appointment of Mary Mitchener as a TAI’s Environmental Manager. Based out of Spokane, her duties include oversight of TAI’s UCR RI/FS project team and…
The Lake Roosevelt Property Owners Association has merged its operations with the Lake Roosevelt Forum. Starting in 1997, property owners on the Spokane Arm of Lake Roosevelt banded together to make sure their voices and…
Deral Boleneus, former long-time chair of the Lake Roosevelt Forum board and Lincoln County Commissioner, passed away at the age of 90 on December 6, 2024. Said current Lincoln County Commissioner and Forum chair Scott Hutsell, “Deral had a great impact on the Forum. His love of the lake and what he meant to so many people, starting with me, is beyond words.”
The Lake Roosevelt Forum is delighted to announce Happy Avery as its new Executive Director! Andy Dunau, who served as Executive Director of the Forum since 1999, let the board and others know in 2023…
Colville Fish Hatchery $10,000 to the Colville Skills Center branch campus of the Colville School District. Students manage the retired Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife fish hatchery for Stevens County, raising triploid rainbow trout…
As one of North America’s leading producers of critical minerals, Teck Resources Limited (Teck) is committed to providing the essential resources the world is counting on to make life better while caring for the people,…
The Lake Roosevelt communities lost a great friend and advocate for protecting our lands and waters. John Roland was a Senior Hydrogeologist with the Washington Department of Ecology’s Eastern Regional Office Toxics Cleanup Program. He…
Thirty years ago, two really important things happened. First, a newly minted graduate from the University of Washington’s master’s degree program in toxicology joined the Washington Department of Health (WDOH). His name: Dave McBride. The…
If you turn the clock back to 1991, a young woman named Lynne Brougher traveled to Lake Roosevelt for the first time. She’s been a fixture serving our communities for two federal agencies ever since….
The backdrop for Forum activities is the unique and distinct needs of Lake Roosevelt, which resulted from creating a reservoir to support operational capacity at Grand Coulee Dam. Two Indian tribes, federal agencies, state agencies and four counties have specific interests in the management of the lake. Individually and collectively, they seek to meet a diverse set of environmental, economic and cultural needs.
Lake Roosevelt Forum continues to successfully engage in a set of public outreach activities intended to further strengthen collaboration and cooperation among the many stakeholders with interests in and around Lake Roosevelt.
Lake Roosevelt Forum
1201 N. Ash Street #201
Spokane, WA 98201