Congratulations to the Reardan High School Ag Leadership class for winning the Washington state National FFA Organization’s Agricultural Issues Forum competition. In May, they staged a debate highlighting the pros and cons of the topic “Should salmon be reintroduced to the upper Columbia River watershed?”
Rick Perleberg, who teaches the class, commented “This really opened their eyes to what’s going on in their own backyard. This topic more than any other ignited their passions and they ended up seeing themselves as being effectors of change.”
Click here to see the presentation as given to the Northwest Power and Conservation Council in March.
Now it’s on to Indianapolis in October to compete nationally with winning teams from over 40 other states. If you’re interested in helping the team with travel expenses (a little over $7,500 for student travel and related expenses), please mail checks to Reardan FFA Ag Issues Team c/o Reardan High School – 215 E. Spokane Ave, Reardan, WA 99029.