The wide open spaces of Lake Roosevelt make it an ideal and tranquil destination for fishing and hunting.

Fishing in the Fog

There are over 30 species of fish in the lake. Annually, over 500,000 rainbow trout and 500,000 kokanee are stocked in the lake. Other common sport fish are large and small mouth bass, walleye, and perch. Seasonally, hunters seek whitetail and mule deer, black bear, elk, pheasant, quail, grouse, chukar, and wild turkey. Waterfowl, ducks, and geese are, of course, plentiful as well.

Hunting and fishing also require accountability and responsibility. Besides licenses, there are regulations and safety measures that must be followed.

In the Lake Roosevelt area, start by knowing if you are on tribal, county, private, state or federal land. Based on where you are located, the information on the Fishing & Hunting Regulations and Licenses page provides you telephone numbers and internet addresses to assure a safe and enjoyable journey.

On federal lands, within the recreation area, Washington state regulations apply. On the reservations, tribal regulations apply. For private landowners, always obtain permission to hunt on their land.

Fish Consumption Advisory

Learn which fish should be avoided or limited, and best way to prepare fish to minimize contaminant consumption.

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