The higher than normal run off in the upper Columbia River has caused the debris boom at the China Bend facility to breach.  This is currently allowing floating debris to enter Lake Roosevelt at China Bend and flow downstream with the normal river currents.  Boaters are advised to use caution during these conditions.

A temporary collection boom will be installed at river mile 702.  Mile 702 is approximately 1 mile south of the Highway 395 bridge at Barney’s Jct.  The temporary boom will originate on the west shore, or Ferry County side, of the river and extend approximately 1000 feet upstream toward the middle of the river.  This log boom will be tied to an anchored barge on the upstream end and terminate at shore on the Ferry County or west side at Bisbee Creek across from the Boise Cascade plywood mill. 

There will be no navigable passage between the anchored barge and the west shoreline.  All boats must pass on the east or Stevens County side of the anchored barge.  There will be a series of orange navigation buoys and flashing warning lights marking the log boom and anchored barge. 

Again, do not attempt to pass between the anchored barge and the west or Ferry County shoreline. 

This temporary debris boom will be removed once repairs to the debris booms at the China Bend can be made.

Contact Columbia Navigation Inc with questions at