Up to $301,473 dollars from BPA Fish and Wildlife Program cost savings and other accounts will provide additional funding for Spokane Tribe of Indians, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and Colville Confederated Tribe northern pike suppression efforts. Funds will support purchase of additional equipment and other resources needed for suppression. Up to $301,473 dollars from BPA Fish and Wildlife Program cost savings and other accounts will provide additional funding for Spokane Tribe of Indians, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and Colville Confederated Tribe northern pike suppression efforts. Funds will support purchase of additional equipment and other resources needed for suppression.
As reported at the Lake Roosevelt Forum conference and newsletter, Lake Roosevelt fishery managers continue to see a disturbing increase in the presence of northern pike. This non-native invasive species is a voracious predator of other fish that, once established with breeding populations, is known to devastate other resident fish populations. Beginning next year, total fish and wildlife funding for northern pike suppression in Lake Roosevelt will exceed $1.3 million.
Visit the Columbia Basin Bulletin for articles providing additional information.